8th-grade science students are testing momentum as they create cars to protect the passengers (eggs) during a crash test.
Principal Update
Dear Coal Ridge Families,
As we approach the middle of February, I am excited to update you on the fantastic accomplishments and opportunities here at Coal Ridge Middle School.
First and foremost, please remember there will be no school on Friday, February 14, and Monday, February 17. We hope you enjoy the long weekend with family and friends.
Academic Achievements
Our students have been working diligently in their academic pursuits. Teachers have reported significant progress across various subjects, and it is truly inspiring to see the dedication and effort that our students are putting into their studies. Keep up the excellent work!
Extracurricular Involvement
Participation in clubs and sports is an integral part of the middle school experience. We encourage students to explore various activities to discover new interests and talents. Whether it’s joining the rock climbing club, playing on a sports team, or participating in the art club, these experiences are invaluable for personal growth and building lasting friendships.
Exploring New Opportunities
Middle school is a time to try new things and step out of comfort zones. We believe that exploring different interests helps students develop a well-rounded character. Encourage your child to take advantage of the many opportunities available to them here at Coal Ridge.
EPIC At Home Reading Challenge
We are also excited to invite all students to participate in the EPIC At Home Reading Challenge. This initiative encourages students to dive into new books and explore the wonders of reading. It’s a great way to enhance literacy skills while enjoying some quiet, reflective time.
Device-Free Time
Finally, we encourage everyone to put away their devices over the long weekend and engage with family and friends. It’s important to unplug and connect with those around us, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. We are proud of the hard work and spirit our students bring every day.
Warm regards,
Natalee Swan, Principal
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like more information about our programs and activities. Enjoy the long weekend!
The school will be closed on Friday, Feb. 14, and Monday, Feb. 17. Please enjoy the long weekend.
Parent Corner: The Power of Yet
The concept of the “power of yet” is a transformative approach to fostering a growth mindset in students, which can significantly impact their learning. According to research by psychologist Carol Dweck, a growth mindset encourages students to embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks. When students say, “I can’t do this,” adding “yet” to the end of the sentence transforms their outlook. This small word shift helps our kids understand that their abilities can be developed through effort and hard work. It promotes resilience and perseverance, which are essential in overcoming obstacles and achieving success.
Parents play an important role in nurturing this mindset at home. By encouraging children to take on new challenges and praising their efforts rather than just their successes, parents can help reinforce the idea that intelligence and abilities can grow over time. Rather than solely on the end result, it’s important to focus on the process—such as the strategies used, the effort put in, and the progress made. Discussing challenges and setbacks can also create opportunities for children to reflect on their learning experiences and develop problem-solving skills. By modeling a growth mindset themselves, parents can inspire their children to approach learning with curiosity and optimism, ultimately helping them become more resilient and successful learners.
Coal Ridge Middle School Vaccination Rates
To keep students healthy and learning, Colorado law requires all K-12 students to be vaccinated against diseases like Hepatitis B, DTaP, MMR, Polio, and Varicella unless an exemption is filed. Before the first day of school, families must provide an up-to-date immunization record, an in-process plan, or a Certificate of Exemption.
Required vaccines include final doses of DTaP, IPV, MMR, and Varicella before kindergarten and one dose of Tdap before sixth grade. Additional recommended vaccines include COVID-19, HPV, flu, and meningococcal.
Annually, schools and child cares must report immunization and exemption numbers (but not student names or birthdates) to the state health department. Schools do not control their specific immunization and exemption rates or establish the Vaccinated Children Standard of 95% for all school-required vaccines, described in §25-4-911, CRS.
Coal Ridge Middle School’s annual MMR vaccination rate is 95.6%.
Project Launch
Coal Ridge Middle School will host Project Launch Middle School from June 2 to June 26, from 7:45 pm. to 1:45 PM. This free program is designed to support students who need additional help in reading, writing, and math.
EPIC At Home Reading Challenge
We are starting our EPIC At-Home Reading Challenge. Students are encouraged to read at home for at least 20 minutes, five days a week, totaling 100 minutes, to participate in a weekly book drawing. To enter, students must complete their reading log and have a parent sign it. On Fridays, students will exchange their logs with their advisory teacher. Each completed log is entered into a raffle, with one winner per grade announced on Monday. Winners can then choose a free book as their prize.
Free and Reduced Fees
Families needing financial help reducing or eliminating class fees are encouraged to complete the Free & Reduced Fees Application. This benefits your family and supports our school in terms of funding, staffing, and reduced fees for activities. Remember to renew this application annually for access to various benefits.
Apply for free & reduced fees today to take advantage of these opportunities!
Lunch Menu
The monthly Lunch Menu is available at LINQCONNECT. This online system allows you to filter for allergens and view the Breakfast Menu. In the upper left-hand corner, you can change between breakfast and lunch.
Save the Date!
February 27 – PTO/SAC Meeting
February 28 – 7th Grade Dance
March 5 – PLC Late Start
March 6- 6th/7th/8th Grade Choir Concert
March 11 – 6th/7th/8th Grade Band Concert
March 17-21 Spring Break
Weekly Events
Monday, February 17
No School
Tuesday, February 18
AAA Math Program 3:00pm – 4:15pm
VEX Robotics 3:00pm – 4:15pm
Wrestling Practice 3:00pm 4:30pm
Orchestra Rehearsal 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Wednesday, February 19
AAA Math Program 3:00pm – 4:15pm
Card & Game Club 3:00pm – 4:15pm
Homework Club 3:00pm – 4:15pm
Art Club 3:00pm – 4:15pm
Wrestling Meet CRMS @ Soaring Heights 3:30pm
6th Grade Orchestra Concert 6:00pm – 7:00pm
7th/8th Grade Orchestra Concert 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Thursday, February 20
Wrestling Practice 3:00pm – 4:30p
Friday, February 21
Wrestling Practice 3:00pm – 4:30pm
Recent Updates
View our latest news and announcements
Free Community Drone Shows
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City of Longmont Life Skills Fair
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Parent University Session, February 20
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Innovation Center Hosts Second Annual Accessibility Night
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FHS Cheer Camp
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Nominate Your Child’s Teacher
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Superintendent’s Update: A Semester of Achievement
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Mini Raptors Dance Camp
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